New Yellow Poppy Pooka 70cl

Distillerie New Yellow Poppy
SKU : A000033
The least sweet of the range, it is the result of a perfect blend of several herbs and spices. This amber, smoky and subtly bitter rum punch is the missing link in the spirit tasting experience. The Pooka is a dark, mischievous creature of Irish folklore.
The Pooka, or 'the Puck', is part of...
Pays Belgique
Contenance 70cl
Alcool 28%
Catégorie Rhum
Type Spiced
31.05 €
Incl. 0.00% Tax /TVA inclus & Frais de transport exclus
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Description The least sweet of the range, it is the result of a perfect blend of several herbs and spices. This amber, smoky and subtly bitter rum punch is the missing link in the spirit tasting experience. The Pooka is a dark, mischievous creature of Irish folklore.
The Pooka, or 'the Puck', is part of Irish myth.
Acting after dark, on his good days he will "only" plunder fields and gardens or confuse travellers who will find themselves completely lost.
But on his bad days, he will not hesitate to go to your front door, slyly singing your own name, and watch out if you go out...
Being able to transform itself at will, it will generally claim a share of the harvest from the farmers in order to leave them alone.
Its best known form is that of an elegant black stallion with yellow eyes running at full speed.

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