New Yellow Poppy Tanuki 70cl

Distillerie New Yellow Poppy
SKU : A000038
Caramelised pears and ginger intertwine to produce a unique taste. Closer to the citrus fruit found in gingerbread, this complex, slightly woody blend never ceases to seduce with its originality. Did you find the jasmine notes that were hidden in it?
The Tanuki is a Japanese forest spirit. A...
Pays Belgique
Contenance 70cl
Alcool 28%
Catégorie Rhum
Type Spiced
31.05 €
Incl. 0.00% Tax /TVA inclus & Frais de transport exclus
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Description Caramelised pears and ginger intertwine to produce a unique taste. Closer to the citrus fruit found in gingerbread, this complex, slightly woody blend never ceases to seduce with its originality. Did you find the jasmine notes that were hidden in it?
The Tanuki is a Japanese forest spirit. A good luck charm, it is recognisable by its attributes.
The Tanuki comes from Japanese folklore.
Inspired by raccoon dogs, he is often depicted with a straw hat, a flask of sake, a bulging belly and large testicles, which was the basis of many cartoons.
He is a "Yokai" (spirit) of the forest, a master of disguise, capable of changing at any time. He is said to bring luck and prosperity to those who know how to find him.

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