New Yellow Poppy Coré 70cl

Distillerie New Yellow Poppy
SKU : A000035
The rum punch "Coré" is the floral one of the range. It will bring you the sweetness of the violet and its wide range of tastes will make you revisit other flowers to finish with a subtle aniseed touch. Coré is the diminutive of Persephone, goddess locked up in the underworld and whose return to...
Pays Belgique
Contenance 70cl
Alcool 28%
Catégorie Rhum
Type Spiced
31.05 €
Incl. 0.00% Tax /TVA inclus & Frais de transport exclus
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Description The rum punch "Coré" is the floral one of the range. It will bring you the sweetness of the violet and its wide range of tastes will make you revisit other flowers to finish with a subtle aniseed touch. Coré is the diminutive of Persephone, goddess locked up in the underworld and whose return to earth heralds spring.
Coré is an epithet of Persephone or Proserpine in Latin.
It means "the daughter" in Greek as the daughter of Demeter. Hidden by her mother for her beauty, she was abducted by her uncle, Hades, king of the underworld, to make her his queen. Her mother, goddess of agriculture and harvest, declared:
"The Earth will starve until I find my daughter." In order to leave the underworld she could not eat anything. But Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds and was thus forced to remain in the Underworld.
Zeus, not wanting to offend Demeter or Aedes, decided that Persephone should stay six months in the Underworld and six months on Earth each year. Thus, for six months, Demeter starved the world in her sadness and then offered, in her joy of reunion, the products of the Earth and the colours of Life to Man.

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