New Yellow Poppy Bity 70cl

Distillerie New Yellow Poppy
SKU : A000036
More syrupy than the others, it stands out from these pairs with its assertive honey* and the sweetness of woody vanilla. "Bity" means "bee" in Egyptian, an insect whose importance was great at the time of the pharaohs, especially in lower Egypt.
Bees were born from the tears of Ra, the...
Pays Belgique
Contenance 70cl
Alcool 28%
Catégorie Rhum
Type Spiced
31.05 €
Incl. 0.00% Tax /TVA inclus & Frais de transport exclus
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Description More syrupy than the others, it stands out from these pairs with its assertive honey* and the sweetness of woody vanilla. "Bity" means "bee" in Egyptian, an insect whose importance was great at the time of the pharaohs, especially in lower Egypt.
Bees were born from the tears of Ra, the creator and solar god, following the death of Osiris. Bity is the translation of the word "bee" in Egyptian but also one of the titles (and symbols) of the pharaohs of Lower Egypt and then of the whole of Egypt.
A divine insect, the bee was important to the Egyptians and its products were valued at all levels of society. The pharaoh also represented the beekeeper in the middle of his working bees.

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