Bavik Super Pils 25cl

Brasserie De Brabandere
SKU : B000002
Bavik Super Pils

Bavik Super Pils gets its unique taste and flavor through its unique brewing process. This beer is not diluted during the process. The brewer uses only aromatic hops, a long and cold maturation is guaranteed without pasteurization. The combination of these four elements...
Couleur Blonde
Contenance 25cl
Alcool 5,2%
Visuel Blonde dorée, mousse blanche, bonne pétillance.
Nez Arômes de malt, amertume légère, notes de levure.
Goût Saveurs douces et maltées avec des notes de houblon, de fleurs et céréales.
Classification Pils
Fermentation Basse
t° de service 3-5°C
0.81 €
Consigne : 0,1 €
Incl. 0.00% Tax /TVA inclus & Frais de transport exclus
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Qty X 24
19.44 €
Consigne : 24 €
Incl. 0.00% Tax / TVA inclus & Frais de transport exclus
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Description Bavik Super Pils

Bavik Super Pils gets its unique taste and flavor through its unique brewing process. This beer is not diluted during the process. The brewer uses only aromatic hops, a long and cold maturation is guaranteed without pasteurization. The combination of these four elements results in a unique pils.

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TVA inclus & Frais de transport exclus